Seven Spanish Angels


Just listened to the song “Seven Spanish Angels”. A song to cause you to think about life. At the age of 68, I contemplate all that is my life, all I have done and I take in all that is happening in this country now and I think about the future. Not so much my future, but the future of those close to me.

I do not like what is happening in my country. I see the possibility of the death of freedom and I cringe at what could be the future. And I don’t understand why it is happening. Not the need for change but what type of changes seem to be coming.

I see the need for change but I look at history and some types of change just do not work. Socialism, communism; neither work. They never have and because of human nature, they cannot work. Every time they are tried people die. Not in hundreds or thousands but in millions. Russia, China, Cambodia. Those are just three of the worst.

Yet despite this history what is behind the unrest in the USA. Communists and Socialists. With the same stated goals. A Paradise for the working man. Same as the Russians and Chinese revolutionaries stated their goal was. The result, if they succeed will be the same. Brutal repression and millions of “working men” dead. All for the true goal of pure ruthless power.

There is hope because this country does have many patriots who still believe in our Constitution.  I believe most of them realize there is a need to “tweek” that venerable document.

I hope enough people will realize the importance of looking at what has worked in the past and only change what needs changing. Two countries stand out in my mind. The USA (of course, I live here)   and Switzerland. They are what I consider “Free” people who recognize the need for a government of some type. History has proven their success.

The world is changing. Radical Muslims are being supported by Communist groups and Socialist groups in the Mideast. Both probably think they will have power after the dust settles.

The USA is changing. Labor Unions are being used as pawns. Get enough union people in the streets adding to all the people in all the different front groups and the Fed. Gov. will have the excuse the ones in power want. To clamp down on the truly patriotic.

The front groups I mentioned are like the one here in Pensacola, Fla. The name has “Change” in it. Seems like a political action group until you read the literature closely. Check the website and see what groups they work with and who funds them.

These groups are the cannon fodder. Bodies. Get them and the unions and the Anarchists and Communists and Socialists and they have a lot of bodies. Bodies to get in the streets and demonstrate. Then the gov will have a reason to act.

And it will all be covered by all the MSM. I can hear the anchors telling us inflated numbers with carefully selected camera shots how so many want change. With those who are in power and in government, in general, I am not hopeful for the future.

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